Why a Special Aviation Page?
We work with a disproportionately large number of aviation companies so we have added a few unique features, and we’ve pre-loaded DATS with some templates that you may find highly useful.
Looking for a Hazard Registry?
We have one of those too!
Pre-Loaded Templates
Each of the following are templates that can be activated and customized so they match your unique needs.
- Aircraft Dispatch / Booking Template
- Persons Assigned Onboard Duties Training Form
- Operational Flight Plan / Flight Itinerary
- Helicopter Passenger Briefing Checklist
- Simple Safety Reporting Form
- Aviation Specific Investigation Template (Robust)
- Flight Training Record / Recommend for a PPC - Single Engined Rotorcraft
- Flight Training Record / Recommend for a PPC - Multi - Engined Rotorcraft
- Pre-Flight Risk Assessment Tool (PFRAT)
- Emergency Procedures Training Form
- Helicopter Surface Contamination Training Form
- Helicopter Low Visibility Operations Ground Training Form
- Journey Management Form
- Flight Follower Training Form
- Survival Equipment Training Form
- Regaining Qualifications Training Form